Diary HTML parser fail (February 6, 2010) Nerd appeal only. [parser-fail] Cancelled at Sleep Inn St. Charles (May 25, 2008) Your reservation was cancelled on May 23, 2008 by SAME. [cancelled-at-sleep-inn-st-charles] Learn Thermal Physics In Blue (May 11, 2008) From PHY252 in 1998 or perhaps 1997. [thermalphysics] You devil! (November 10, 2004) Sunday, Thea called me a god. Wednesday, Aspen called me a devil. [devil] High Speed Hotel (August 19, 2004) Hotels are great. Just like underwear. [highspeedhotel] Water slide (August 15, 2004) I used to think... [waterslide] Yoga Critic (July 15, 2004) Some instructors push in the opposite direction so I can find the muscles which will let me stretch further. That makes sense, although Danielle's way has instant gratification on its side. [yogacritic] Dancing standards at the Calgary Stampede (July 11, 2004) "Some girls were talking about you, because you're a good dancer." [stampede] Earls and cowboy hats (July 8, 2004) It's CJSW you nitwit. [earls] Canada 2004, a long road trip (June 3, 2004) In three weeks, I drove 12500 km from Nelson BC to Ottawa to Bass River NS to Ottawa to Franconia New Hampshire to Ottawa to Nelson. [canada2004] Please Remove (April 20, 2004) Once in a while, someone asks me to delete some part of this web site. "It doesn't look good." [remove] Another Mundane Dream (March 27, 2004) I had a very unusual dream last night. It was a high-stress dream. My perspective changed from one participant to another, then to a non-participant. I woke up and my whole body felt weird. But that's not the dream I'm writing about today. [mundanedream] Lesson from Mary-Jo (March 27, 2004) "Push your heels back. Push your fingers down. Raise your rhomboids." ("Where are my rhomboids?" "Between your shoulder blades.") "That's right. Push your fingers down." [mj] The marijuana problem (March 26, 2004) They're right there in our community. They're around us. [marijuanaproblem] Annual Ownership Filing (March 24, 2004) Section 16(4) of the Ownership and Control Regulations, stipulates that no later than 90 days after its annual general meeting or the issuance of its annual financial statement, whichever is the earlier, every Canadian carrier shall file with the Commission a report that includes... [ownership] Wave7 Optics (March 18, 2004) Please remove my email address from your mailing list. [wave7] Jumbo Resort (March 12, 2004) Our grizzly bear expert says the grizzly bears won't be bothered very much. So what's the fuss? [jumboresort] Headstand (February 18, 2004) ... Yesterday I had a new experience. I was doing a headstand (which really involves standing on one's forearms) and forgot for a few seconds that I was upside down. I stayed balanced out of habit, just as if I were on my feet. Wow! The mind ... [headstand] Pent-Up (February 18, 2004) Lately I seem to be releasing several years of pent-up eccentricity. [pentup] Brushed Off (February 15, 2004) ... I was being intrigued by the floorboards after a yoga class recently, and another yogi asked me whether I was a carpenter. I said no, I just like wood; when pressed, I gave him a summary of the various jobs I do. I mentioned the name of a ... [brushedoff] Away (October 22, 2003) ... You shouldn't go away like that. ... The monsters always come out. Today the monsters were hiding in the closet. Then suddenly I couldn't find the closet. The monsters might still be here somewhere. Don't go upstairs! ... Also, the kitchen ... [away] I Love Coffee (August 29, 2003) ... ... Coffee is so cool. ... Coffee is so hot. ... I love coffee ... [coffee] Best Friends (July 22, 2003) ... What makes someone a best friend? ... Best friends are friends forever. (Such confidence!) ... I often think I know what to expect from my best friends, but they surprise me. They amaze and disappoint me. The disappointment doesn't upset me ... [bestfriends] Hitchhiking from Hope (July 15, 2003) ... Highway 3 is the Crowsnest Highway. It's the most direct route from Hope, BC to Medicine Hat, AB. It's also the lowest pass over the Rockies. ... Phil tells me that hitchhiking on Highway 3 can take a really long time. Once, after spending a ... [hitchhikinghope] Bad Web Design (July 12, 2003) ... Sometimes I want to be a web designer. ... I know someone who works for a company. The company has a new web site. A web designer made it for free. I think it sucks. ... Apparently, the designer is just getting into the web design business ... [badwebdesign] Last Ferry (July 8, 2003) ... Horatio and I rode the last ferry from Tsawwassen to Swartz Bay today. ... I left North Vancouver at about 8pm. I found 1A, 99, and 17. As I approached the ferry terminal, traffic got very thin, then even more thin. At each intersection, it ... [lastferry] |